
Hello, Campers!

Thank you for visiting our website. Instead of a traditional, corporate-style 'About Us' page, we thought a letter would be a more personal way to introduce ourselves and Oliezi Outdoors. We're not just another faceless brand or a large corporation; we're a small, family-owned business based in Southern California.

So, who are we? My name is Sam Nam, and together with Gie, my wife and partner, we co-founded this company. We started Oliezi Outdoors because we wanted to share our unique style of "Cozy Camping" with other families. Back in 2021, we were searching for outdoor activities that could excite our two kids beyond TV, YouTube, or video games. Growing up, I cherished camping and still hold those memories dear. I wanted to create similar experiences for my family, but we faced a challenge. My wife had never camped before, and our initial trips were a struggle, especially at night.

Determined to overcome this, I experimented with various tent and sleeping setups, from space-inspired silver domes to hard-shelled rooftop tents. After a year of trials, I discovered inflatable tents on YouTube. Unable to find a high-quality option in the U.S., I imported one from Asia, facing long delivery times and hefty shipping costs. But it was worth it – the difference in comfort was remarkable, and we all finally enjoyed peaceful nights.

Our transformation into a camping family was complete! The kids eagerly anticipated each camping trip, and fellow campers often inquired about our unique tent. Their curiosity and enthusiasm inspired us to introduce these tents to the U.S. market, leading to the birth of Oliezi Outdoors.

And about our name? It comes from our kids' nicknames, 'Oli' and 'Ezi,' symbolizing our initial mission to get Oli and Ezi outdoors!

If you've read this far, thank you! For any questions, please call or text us at (818) 582-8708.

Happy Camping!

Sam, Gie, Oli, and Ezi!